Seungri posted a photo that you might saw before. He updated his Instagram with a picture that is three years old already with a caption, "@.@".

Netizens couldn't help but to comment: 

"never got tired of seeing seung ri oppa's beautiful brown eyes X)"

"Wait a minute...Hasn't he posted this picture before on his instagram? Lol oh Panda why are you so adorable xD"

"Opaa, i like and love this pic moreee :) For the first time i saw this pic, i'm suprise (surprised). How come Seungri can be totally handsome?! He's more handsome that (than) GD xD Even we can only see his panda eyes"

The question is, what's the reason of Seungri for posting this? Is this related with his solo come back with his 2nd mini album with the title track, 'I Have Something to Say', on August 19? What does he want to say with that upload?

written by:
SOURCE: @seungriseyo


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